Red Sails On The Chesapeake - Multimedia Acrylic/oil Painting.(click title above for print-on-demand...) |
GrlFineArt; paintings, prints
- art paintings, scenes, landscapes,
beach and shore, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina |
Original Fine Art Paintings and Digital Art. $13 to $24, for small to medium-size prints. Originals available; free downloads, ... G. Linsenmayer, #GrlFineArt modern and contemporary classical realistic styles. Fine art work painting, paintings, landscapes, seascapes, abstracts, home decor, nudes, figures, figurative paintings, prints.
Red Sails On The Chesapeake - Multimedia Acrylic/oil Painting.(click title above for print-on-demand...) |
GrlFineArt; paintings, prints
- art paintings, scenes, landscapes,
beach and shore, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina |
Crab Boat, Slick Calm Day, Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
(click title above for
I made this from some photos I took while on a sailing trip on the bay, sometime in the 1990's. A multimedia art piece, cut paper and acrylic, on paper; I also made a traditional oil-on-linen. WORKBOATS, KENT ISLAND - Original Fine Art Painting
(click title above for
Chesapeake Bay Maryland - oil on linen, 50 x 21 inches
(the full size painting; click the image to the right for
a large view). An image of the full-size painting is on
the right here. I lived a while in Annapolis, a
beautiful town, and later in Frederick, but went back to
the bay now and then. This was done sometime during
that time period (late 1980's, early 1990's). The
original is available, $2100. |
Original Fine Art Painting
Skipjacks Racing Chesapeake Bay Maryland (detail)
Original Fine Art Painting Skipjacks Racing Chesapeake Bay Maryland(click title above for print-on-demand...)...Oil on Linen - Dimensions 50.000 x 21.000 inches; origial not available. ...a traditional-modern painting, Chesapeak Bay Skipjacks, racing... I painted it from pictures I took in the 1960's, before the 2nd bridge span was built. |
Original Fine Art Painting Skipjacks Racing Chesapeake Bay Maryland (detail)(click title above for print-on-demand...) |