WINEFEST, MARYLAND, FINE ART ORIGINAL MARYLAND MULTIMEDIA ACRYLIC/OIL ART WORKAuguste Renoir - Dance at Le Moulin de la GaletteOURSELVES AND PEOPLE - Starting with impressionism, artists became interested in real-life motifs, as contrasted with classical art of invented situations. This has always interested me, although current "contemporary" art tends to ignore such motifs - I tend to think motifs such as shown here as treating "ourselves, and people". Renoir was certainly one of the artists of the time whose focus strongly included such motifs. |
Winefest, Maryland, Near Frederick,
Hagerstown, 1990s - Detail ... A Fine Art Multimedia
Acrylic/Oil Art Piece
Original Fine Art Paintings and Digital Art. $13 to $24, for small to medium-size prints. Originals available; free downloads, ... G. Linsenmayer, #GrlFineArt modern and contemporary classical realistic styles. Fine art work painting, paintings, landscapes, seascapes, abstracts, home decor, nudes, figures, figurative paintings, prints.